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What is the current development status of sealed paste?

The current development status of sealed paste is evident to all of us. However, the development in this state is actually very beneficial to us. What is the development situation of sealed paste? I believe we can also see clearly that in the middle, the position of sealed paste is also very strong for us. So, let me accompany you to see its development.

At present, the diameter of the electrodes in the large enclosed calcium carbide furnace that needs to be developed is relatively large, and the working length is relatively long. The tensile force generated by its own weight is greater, requiring high mechanical strength. It is also necessary to re regulate new compressive strength control indicators; Nowadays, energy conservation has become a national policy, and the energy consumption standards for large enclosed calcium carbide furnaces are quite strict. Therefore, the electrode paste should have a relatively small resistance coefficient to reduce energy loss. Therefore, it is necessary to change the original control indicators of the electrode paste. The height of electrode paste refers to the height from the upper end of the electrode clamp to the top of the electrode paste. If the electrode paste is too high, the coarse and fine particles in the electrode paste are prone to layering, or the electrode cylinder is damaged due to excessive pressure on the paste column. If the electrode paste column is too low, it is difficult to obtain a dense electrode due to the low pressure on the paste column and poor filling ability. The electrode paste is consumed too quickly. The appropriate height of the electrode paste column is beneficial for improving the quality of electrode roasting and reducing consumption.

Before filling, the electrode paste should be crushed, usually into small pieces of 80-100mm, so that the electrode paste block can pass smoothly between the two ribs. If the particle size is too large, it is easy to cause electrode paste suspension faults; If the particle size is too small, it is easy to cause spraying phenomenon. It is better to buy finished electrode paste materials. If the manufacturer provides materials with qualified particle size, they can be directly filled. Reduced the powder of broken electrode paste, improved the utilization rate of electrode paste, and reduced the cost of calcium carbide. Use a forklift to transport the electrode paste to the calcium carbide furnace using a small car or specialized tools, and lift it into the electrode bucket using an electric hoist. Pay attention to lifting safety during loading. When adding electrode paste, be careful not to scatter the electrode paste on the equipment outside the electrode cylinder to avoid electric fire accidents. Every time the electrode paste is filled, the site must be cleaned thoroughly, especially the scattered electrode paste on the equipment.